Thursday, January 26, 2012

Celebrating A Friend's 21st Birthday At an Age Inappropriate Destination

One should only turn 21 with a turkey leg in her hand and a field of men in armor on horses before her eyes. Lucky for my friend, that is exactly how she rang in the biggest birthday of them all. What a champ.

For my 21st, I threw a party at a friend's apartment. BORING***. But my buddy took the road less traveled and made everyone eat with their hands and wear paper crowns.  Though our Red Knight lost his battle against the Yellow Knight, everyone went home a winner. With bellies full of turkey leg and baked potatoes, we all crawled into the party bus and headed home, exhausted but giddy from our romp into MEDIEVAL TIMES.

*** Actually it was super fun. TAYDAY was a bit hit. Everyone is allowed to celebrate how they see fit. No judgement.

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