Friday, January 27, 2012

Watching "Jurassic Park"

There are some movies from my youth that still capture my heart.*** Among them is Steven Spielberg's "Jurassic Park." This is perhaps the best science fiction story ever told.

It is scary.

It is funny.

It is beautiful.

Those little raptors are so devious. How they so smart?!

I always die laughing when the long neck leaf eater blows snot on the nervous teenage girl.

Newman from Seinfeld is so gross and sad. You are selfish and try to steal dino DNA and then mess everything up and eventually die because a cute dino gets you. Classsssssic Newman.

Jeff Goldblum, you so funny. Too bad they changed your entire character for Jurassic Park II and took out all the funny. (P.S. so happy you have been cast as one of Rachel Berry's Dads on Glee)

The little boy is adorable. (He is old now and had a role in the Social Network -- whatwhat?)

Stay in the car, people!

If you don't move, a T-Rex can't see you.

*** I recently re-watched "Hook" featuring Robin Williams and was sorely disappointed. The only scene that stands the test of time is the imaginary feast. Delicious. Otherwise, rough justice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember him in the movie, he's so adorable!